Thursday, 29 September 2011

How To Vote

Source taken from: Junz Wong

The Voter Agent Training at PJ Civic Centre today highlighted some very critical points which each and every voter should know:

1. As soon as you enter the polling station, you will be ushered to Kerani 1, who will check your identity against your Mykad. She will read out your Name and IC No.and No. Siri /No. Bilangan following the List provided by SPR. 

2. Once that verification is correct, Kerani 1 will pass your MYkad to the next officer, Kerani 2. Here, Kerani 2 will hand you a Kertas Undi, which is identified by its Serial No. As a voter, you have the right under Election Law to not accept the Kertas Undi she assigns to you but to ask for a different Kertas Undi, from a different book. Just say “Inche, saya minta Kertas Undi dari buku lain atau dari bawah”. This is so that the voter cannot be identifiable with SPR’s master list. It will take one voter to upset the sequence which will eventually affect SPR’s master list for that voting centre. The aim is to safeguard voter’s identity.

3. Ok, Once your Kertas Undi is issued and accepted by you, Kerani 2 will hand the Kertas Undi to the next officer, Kerani 3. Kerani 3 carries a seal, which will be used to stamp your Kertas Undi. Watch carefully that she/he stamps your Kertas Undi fully and clearly. Then see that it is folded into half before she hands it to you. You now proceed to the voting booth.

4. Inside the voting booth please insure that the ballot slip has only your marking of an X or pass. If for some reason you see some pencil marks of numbers or markings on the front or back of the Kertas Undi other than your own mark, please be prepared to ERASE those markings. These markings will render you Kertas Undi spoilt, so do be very cautious. Please BRING your own ERASER.

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